Tolu the Midwife Healthcare Solutions is an online, health education, health advocacy and midwifery company based in Lagos, Nigeria. It was founded in March 2018 by Tolu Adeleke, an award-winning, internationally trained, dual-qualified, experienced and passionate healthcare professional.
We offer personalized prenatal care, antenatal care classes, labour and delivery support, postpartum care and doula services in Nigeria. We also provide education and advocacy through our Maternity Hub Nigeria Platform.
Our goal is to educate, inform, empower and support expectant parents as they transition to parenthood through childbirth classes for mums and dads, #DadsAntenatalNg birthing support, advocacy and a maternity helpline.

Tolu the Midwife Healthcare Solutions is the answer for the many busy couples who are unable to attend their hospital antenatal clinics happening during the workweek. It is a registered company and a trusted source for online health and medical information for expectant and new mums.
Our lead midwife, Tolu, who is an accomplished senior midwife and nurse with over 15 years of clinical and management experience in both the private and public sectors, created “Labour with Confidence” an on-demand childbirth preparation course to ensure all expectant parents have access to evidence-based maternal health information.
At Tolu the Midwife Healthcare Solutions, we believe that Nigeria’s high maternal and neonatal mortality rates can be drastically reduced by 2025. We owe it to ourselves to change the narrative from being “the most dangerous country in the world for maternal care” to a country that performs safe deliveries in line with the world.
Research has shown that having a familiar midwife through your pregnancy and birth journey can improve outcomes for both mothers and babies. To this end, we engage in a lot of personalized health education and advocacy.
We are also committed to on-going professional development. Our lead midwife, Tolu, completed her MSc in Healthcare Management in 2015 and is currently studying Perinatal Mental Health (Master of Science) with the aim of creating solutions to support mothers holistically.
Through the pandemic, we have continued to fulfil the integral role of educator to support pregnant women virtually in addition to offering childbirth classes to employees of corporate organisations. For the majority women, birth should be a normal life event and one of our goals is for women and their families to not fear birth by being adequately prepared during pregnancy.
You can converse with our internationally-trained midwife and book our birthing support services from anywhere, regardless of your location. The borderless classes have supported women across Nigeria, Australia, Canada, England and Denmark. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality education in addition to safe and effective care, tailor-made to your individual needs and circumstances.
Our goal is three-fold: Save a mother, save a baby, save a community