Labour with Confidence: A what to expect in labour, delivery & beyond course
A what to expect course for labour, delivery and postpartum.
Childbirth preparation classes on demand.
Click, book and learn.
We have over 7 hours in 35 videos covering everything you'll need to prepare you for labour, delivery and life with your newborn baby.
What to expect
When to go to the hospital
Stages of labour
Pain relief for labour and alternative pain relief methods
Breathing and relaxation
Partners role during childbirth
Induction of labour
Caesarean Section
Complications during childbirth
Baby 101
Feeding your baby: breastfeeding and formula
The first 24 hours
Vitamin K/ Newborn checks
Caring for your newborn baby
Practical skills (bathing/ cord care/ diaper care)
Mental, physical, emotional first contact with your child
Deviations from the norm
All about you, mum
The first 24 hours
What to expect Postpartum recovery
Emotional health
Sleeping after childbirth
Mother: Deviations from the norm
You'll be directed to The Maternity Hub Nigeria. Select Labour with Confidence: A what to expect course for labour, delivery, and postpartum, pay for the course and you are good to go.